SALES: (812) 299-4505
13350 S US Highway 41, Terre Haute, IN  47802
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Used Car Auto Dealerships in Terre Haute

Used Cars for Sale


Used Cars for Sale

Indiana is a large state. So large in fact, we drivers measure how far away a place is based on how long it takes to get there. Indiana is the sort of state that you need a car to be in. Everything is a considerable distance away, so you need a vehicle to go to and from places. If you are looking for your first car, Terre Haute Auto is the place for you. We have a massive selection of vehicles for sale in a variety of styles and colors that are sure to give you the style you need to enjoy your travels.

At Terre Haute Auto, we have a saying, “Where We Stack ‘em Deep & Sell ‘em Cheap.” We are here to give you the selection you need to find the cars you want for the price you need. We aim to provide you with the vehicles you need when you are looking for a car for sale. We have the used cars for sale in Terre Haute, Indiana that is ideal for you. Save your time and your energy by not going to car dealerships with sub-par selections. We want you to find the car you want. It is easier to find the vehicle you need when you have many vehicles from which to choose. If you want a used car for sale in Terre Haute, then we at Terre Haute Auto are the place to go. We have the cars you need when you are car buying. Few Terre Haute auto dealerships have near the same selection of the vehicles you want most. When you come to Terre Haute Auto, our friendly staff will help you find the used cars for sale you need.

Terre Haute Auto Dealerships

When you are in Terre Haute, finding the car dealership you want can be a challenge. Some car dealerships do not have the selection you need when you are car buying. The hardest part of car buying has to be the decision making. You have to decide the car, and you have to negotiate the price, you have to choose if you want the warranty. There are so many choices that have to be made. Why can't car dealerships make the process simple and streamlined? Terre Haute Auto is different. We make car buying feel natural without forcing you to choose a car you do not want. Other dealerships, limit cars being on their lots by pushing people to buy some vehicles over others. We want you to have free range of your vehicle selection. Each Terre Haute auto dealership handles their business differently. We at Terre Haute Auto want you to feel like car buying is effortless. We were hoping you could find the ideal car for you, or your family; Whether that be a focus on safety or style or both. Come to Terre Haute Auto today for your next vehicle for sale. Our selection is what you need when you are looking for the perfect vehicle for you.
Dark Pewter 
8cyl, 5.7 L, 255 HP
Model #: 
Stock #:
This rwd used 2002 Chevrolet Express 2500 135" WB features a Summit White exterior with a Dark Pewter interior and has only 177,412 miles.INTERIOR OPTIONS: Air Conditioning, Bucket Front Seats, Auxiliary 12v Power Outlet, Center Console Storage, Auto Dimming R/V Mirror, Trip Odometer, Digital...   Read More
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